


Home > International Students > Exchange Students > Tuition


Based on the signed academic agreement and the exchange program, international exchange students recommended by our sister school will have their tuition fee waived while on exchange at NTHU, but students will be responsible for their own living expenses. 

::Dormitory fee::
Dormitory fee for undergraduates NT$ 6,370~13,320
Dormitory fee for graduates NT$ 10,170~27,800
For further information, please check http://sthousing.web.nthu.edu.tw/bin/home.php?Lang=en
::Living expense::
Textbooks NT$ 5,000~10,000
Living expense (per month) NT$ 8,000~10,000

         The fees mentioned above are used for reference only. 
         NTHU reserves the right to amend related fees.  
         US$ 1 = NT$ 32 as of September, 2016
