
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] Russian Global Education Scholarship Program

[公告] Russian Global Education Scholarship Program


Russian Global Education Scholarship Program keeps on developing and at the moment we can boast of the two major achievements:
1)    The scholarship amount has been doubled and currently it is 2,763,000 Russian rubles (around 50,000 USD) per one year of studies;
2)    The list of participating universities and programs has been expanded: at the moment we can fund studies at 288 higher education institutions in 32 countries!
New program presentation and leaflet as well as the new list of eligible universities and programs are attached to this message.
99 students have already become the program finalists and we continue  to accept applications all the year round. The next third application deadline will be on Sept 6 and the fourth one is expected in late November 2015.

Additional informational on the Program is available at the official website www.educationhlobal.ru and we are actively working on its English version.
