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[公告]International Summer School, New Delhi


International Summer School, New Delhi

Established in 2013, the International Summer School (ISS), New Delhi is an intensive, six-week academic programme that brings together students from all over the world as they study and interact with one another over the course of a summer in India’s national capital. Past ISS sessions in 2013, 2014 & 2015 have successfully taken place at another reputed Central University in New Delhi, namely the Jamia Millia Islamia. The ISS aims at promoting international goodwill and cultural understanding amongst promising young individuals, developing their potential as future leaders in government, business and civil society; and with India as a study model, it offers undergraduate course modules and experiences that introduce the students to a range of issues and debates that are shaping contemporary developing societies. The six-week programme at the ISS has been divided into two distinct components:

The ISS aims at promoting international goodwill and cultural understanding amongst promising young individuals, developing their potential as future leaders in government, business and civil society; and with India as a study model, it offers undergraduate course modules and experiences that introduce the students to a range of issues and debates that are shaping contemporary developing societies.

Over its past three sessions, the programme has had representation from countries such as Japan, Mexico, South Africa, USA, China, Syria, Australia, Turkey, Italy, Morocco, Germany, Iran, Turkmenistan, UK, Colombia, Iraq, Bhutan, Tajikistan, Fiji, Yemen, Nigeria, Nepal, Norway, Sri Lanka, Palestine, Afghanistan and Indonesia apart from India itself.

Many of these participants are or have been students at some of the top institutions of the world with which the ISS has formal collaborations and/or arrangements in place.


Official Website: http://www.issnewdelhi.in/

