
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] Short-term programs of “International & European Studies” at University of Tübingen

[公告] Short-term programs of “International & European Studies” at University of Tübingen


Short-term programs of “International & European Studies” at University of Tübingen

Summer Program I · 06 June – 01 July 2016 (4 weeks, introductory courses)
Application deadline: 31 March 2016
ECTS credits: 8
Program fee: 2,000 EUR

Summer Program II · 18 July – 26 August 2016 (6 weeks, introductory courses)
Application deadline: 30 April 2016
ECTS credits: 12
Program fee: 2,800 EUR

Fall Term Program · 19 September – 10 December 2016 (3 months, in-depth courses)
Application deadline: 31 May 2016
ECTS credits: 24
Program fee: 5,200 EUR

ACADEMIC PROGRAM: Depending on the program students are either taking a variety of introductory courses (Summer Programs) or in-depth courses (Fall Term Program) on Europe and the EU. In addition, students meet with European politicians, debate on current European affairs, and attend guest lectures by experts from different fields. Classes are small and individual mentoring is guaranteed at all times.

STUDY TRIPS: Students will visit Strasbourg, Berlin, and Amsterdam/The Hague, take a tour of the European Parliament, interview EU-politicians, and visit influential companies (like Mercedes, Ritter Sport) in the economically strong region of Baden-Württemberg.

GERMAN LANGUAGE & CULTURE: Students will gain one of the key qualifications in an increasingly globalized world: Intercultural competence and will also attend a German language class.

BUDDY PROGRAM: Within the Buddy Program a student of the University of Tübingen teams up with a participant. One German “buddy” will take care of an IES-student during the entire stay in Tübingen. This will allow students to get to know German students, and experience student life first-hand.

LOCATION: Tübingen is the ideal location for this small and highly effective academic program: it is a picturesque, safe University town and with its romantic old town it offers you multiple opportunities to experience German culture in cafés and talks.

The program fee includes courses, course material, study trips, accommodation as well as social and cultural activities. Financial support is available.

Website: www.uni-tuebingen.de/european-studies
