
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 新加坡科技與設計大學PhD課程說明會,歡迎本校學生踴躍報名參加

[公告] 新加坡科技與設計大學PhD課程說明會,歡迎本校學生踴躍報名參加


有MIT 2.0之稱的新加坡科技與設計大學(Singapore University of Technology and Design)兩名教授將於105年3月11日(五)來訪,並於來訪期間舉辦「PhD課程說明會」,歡迎有興趣之學生把握機會踴躍報名參加。

講者Speaker:Prof. Michinao Hashimoto and Prof. Jaiver Fernandez
時間Time:105年3月11日 (星期五) 14:00~15:15  (13:50~14:00開始進場就座)
地點Venue:行政大樓二樓第二會議室 2nd Meeting Room, Administration Building I
報名方式Registration:請由此連結 http://goo.gl/forms/hgGW4whqJt (當日將備茶點)
說明 : 報名者視為同意報名資料供活動統計及聯繫通知使用。

活動聯絡人Contact:國際合作組 黃家琪小姐
聯絡Email: chiachihuang@mx.nthu.edu.tw

學校背景資訊介紹: Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) is the 4th autonomous university to be established in Singapore, and Engineering Product Development (EPD) is a pillar of the university specializing various discipline of engineering. The curriculum of the EPD pillar prepares students for leadership in the conception, design, implementation, and operation of innovative technology-intensive products, with emphasis on products whose development cuts across traditional disciplinary boundaries. The product sectors currently addressed are electronics, energy, machinery, and transportation. The pillar features commitment to educational and research excellence, multidisciplinary interaction, and a focus on product development that includes close engagement with industry.

