
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告]德國大使講座-國際關係:德國與臺灣 Relations between Germany and Taiwan

[公告]德國大使講座-國際關係:德國與臺灣 Relations between Germany and Taiwan



Relations between Germany and Taiwan

主講人: 德國在臺協會處長 Mr Martin Eberts
Speaker: Mr Martin Eberts, Director General of the German Institute

時間: 105年3月15日 (星期二) 下午一點三十分~兩點三十分 (1.20PM開放入場)
Time: March 15, 2016 (Tuesday) 1.30PM-2.30PM (Doors open at 1:20PM)

地點: 清華名人堂
Venue: Tsing Hua Hall of Fame    

報名方式: 現場報名或線上報名     報名已額滿
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說明: 德國在臺協會處長 Mr Martin Eberts受司徒文博士之邀至本校演講,德國在臺協會是德國駐台灣的代表處,主要任務在於促進及維護德臺之間的關係,協會業務內容包含協助經濟、文化、教育、觀光、外交等事宜。歡迎有意至德國深造及對德臺外交關係有興趣的同學前來聆聽及發問。
Brief: At the invitation of Dr William Stanton, a short talk will be given by Mr Martin Eberts, Director General of the German Institute Taipei, on Tuesday, March 16, 2016 at the Hall of Fame at NTHU. Mr Eberts will be giving a short talk on the topic of Relations between Germany and Taiwan. German Institute Taipei offers information about traveling, study, doing business in Germany and much more. We would like to welcome all the students who are intended to pursue higher education in Germany and who are interested in the political relations between Taiwan and Germany to join us.
