
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 2016 Nagaoka Summer School for Young Engineers (NASSYE)

[公告] 2016 Nagaoka Summer School for Young Engineers (NASSYE)


2016 Nagaoka Summer School for Young Engineers (NASSYE) 長岡技術科學大學

Website: http://www.nagaokaut.ac.jp/e/kokusai/nassye.html


Nagaoka University of Technology (NUT) is currently inviting students from overseas universities and polytechnics to apply for the inaugural Nagaoka Summer School for Young Engineers (NASSYE) in 2016. This program is open to students in their third or fourth year of university undergraduate programs, students in master’s programs, and students at polytechnics. The program also offers students the opportunity to participate in research on topics set by the laboratories at NUT, as well as experience tours of companies and factories in Nagaoka, Japan.

Program Period: August 22 to August 31, 2016
Venue: Laboratories at NUT
Application Deadline: May 13, 2016

(1) Field of Study
*Mechanical Engineering
*Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering
*Materials Science and Technology
*Civil and Environmental Engineering
*Nuclear System Safety Engineering

Division of International Affairs
Nagaoka University of Technology
FAX: +81-258-47-9283
E-mail: nassye@jcom.nagaokaut.ac.jp
