
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 韓國中央大學CAU 2017 International Summer Program

[公告] 韓國中央大學CAU 2017 International Summer Program


CAU's International Summer Program (ISP) is a hybrid program providing students with a window into Korea, where courses are coupled with cultural experiences that foster an understanding of Korea’s Culture and Society.

1. Program Period

Program Application Program Schedule
Session 1 2017 February 13th ~ May 21st 2017 June 25th ~ July 22nd (4 weeks)
Session 2 2017 February 13h ~ June 11th 2017 July 30th ~ August 19th (3 weeks)

2. Program Tuition Fee information

 Session 1

Session 1
(Partner University)

Session 2

Session 2
(Partner University)

Application fee

60,000 (52USD)


60,000 (52USD)




(920 USD)
(50% Discount)
1,850,000(1,590USD) ₩925,000
(795 USD)
(50% Discount)
Dormitory (Optional) 378,000 (310 USD) ₩378,000
(310 USD)
280,000 (240 USD) ₩280,000
(240 USD)
Airport Pickup(Optional) 50,000 (43USD) Waiver 50,000 (43USD) Waiver
Total 2,988,000 (2,555USD) 1,628,000 (1,392USD) 2,240,000 (1,925USD) 1,205,000 (1,030USD)

* The cost in USD is estimated and is subjected to change due to currency rates changes.

3. Course Information

Courses Session 1 (Theme Oriented Major Courses) Session 2
Course 1

a. Elective Courses (3credits)

- Korean Studies

(Korean Culture and Society + Advanced Korean)

- Nanotechnology: Big Things from a tiny world

- International Logistics : Logistics & Economic Development

a. Elective Courses(3 credits)

- Basic Korean Language

- Intermediate Korean Language

- Advanced Korean Language
Course 2

Korean Cultural Activity (More than 60hours)

+ Survival Korean Class (15hours) (3 credits)

Korean Culture and Society (2 credits)

-         Special Lecture about Korean Culture & Society (15hours)

-         Korean Cultural Activity (More than 45hours)

4. Application
The online application can be found at http://oia.cau.ac.kr

5. Qualification
All students who are currently enrolled at college or university level institutions
English proficiency for non-native speakers.
(TOEFL is not required, however, Your English should be proficient enough to take courses conducted in English).

6. Application Materials
Completed application form (click)
Official transcript from your university
One passport-size photo
Color copy of passport
Official letter of nomination from home university (Students from partner institutions)
TB test (Tuberculosis test) results - Digital Copy to causummer@cau.ac.kr
: Students should provide results (in English) which are issued within 3 months prior to entering the Dormitory (Session 1: June 25 / Session 2: July 30)

7. Accommodation
The students will stay at the Blue Mir Hall on campus


請有興趣的同學盡早完成線上報名,並於2017年5月10日前備齊1-校內學期成績單(英文版)、2-英文檢定證明、3-校內報名表、4- 2016 CAU International Winter Program Nomination(excel表單),並將1.2.3文件存成一個PDF檔、4.(excel)寄至chiahui@mx.nthu.edu.tw (全球處綜事組/ 章小姐收 分機33428),主旨:○○○(你的姓名)—報名CAU 2017 International Summer Program,且註明參加session
