
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] PNU Summer School 2017

[公告] PNU Summer School 2017


PNU Summer School provides international students with an enriching cultural and educational experience through participation in a two-week program, four-week program, or both. Each program consists of academic courses covering diverse subjects and various cultural activities, including field trips. Summer School is divided into two non-overlapping sessions, Session A and Session B, which share common features. Students can choose one or both sessions according to their schedules, preferences and academic goals.

1. Session A (Tuesday, June 20 – Friday, July 21, 2017)
2. Session B (Monday, July 24 - Thursday, August 10, 2017)

This program is open to all international students who have completed at least one semester of college or university. Applicants should have English language proficiency since the language of instruction is English.

Cost (NTHU is considered as Visiting Students)
1. Session A : US$ 1,260
2. Session B : US$ 1,190

To pay the above program fees, students may use a post office money order in U.S. dollars. Please note that personal checks or credit card payments are not accepted.
1. Session A : May 30, 2017
2. Session B : May 30, 2017

Please finish online application by yourself. (Deadline: May 15, 2017)

More information: PNU Summer School website

If you have any question, please contact: chiahui@mx.nthu.edu.tw (全球處綜事組/ 章小姐收 分機33428)
