
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 日本千葉大學暑期營隊 Cool Japan Program 2017

[公告] 日本千葉大學暑期營隊 Cool Japan Program 2017


"Cool Japan Program 2017"
Touch and explore contemporary JAPAN during your vacation

This short term program for overseas students is designed to give opportunities explore contemporary "JAPAN" during your vacation. Through taking part in this program, you can learn about many aspects of Japan, and experience both traditional and the most modern Japanese culture.
Participants can not only take some interesting lectures by an expert of each theme, but can also join exciting activities, workshops and day trips.
We are now preparing a range of unique courses for the Cool Japan Program.

The following are tentative program titles and contents.
Duration: Monday, July 24th - Friday, July 28th, 2017
(You will be requested to check in at the hotel on July 23rd, and check out the hotel on July 29th.)
Application Deadline: By Monday, June 12th, 2017
Program Fee: 130,000JPY per person
(Includes tuition, admission, accommodation, school supplies, field studies and educational materials)
Matthew Chozick
Institute for Excellence in Education Innovation, Chiba University
Personal Website: http://www.matthewchozick.com
Place: Nishi-Chiba Campus, the nearest station is JR Nishi-Chiba Station
Chiba Washington Hotel, single room with breakfast (6 nights in total)
Official Website: http://chiba.washington-hotels.jp/
For more information please visit: http://www.chiba-u.jp/e/course-program/summer-program/cool_japan_program.html

Program Schedule
Application Procedure (Carefully read the document below before you apply!)
Cool Japan Program Application Form (pdf)
Cool Japan Program Application Form (xlsx)

Foreign Student Support Section of International Student Division
Department of Student Affairs,Chiba University
TEL: +81-43-290-2195, +81-43-290-2199
E-mail: csp@chiba-u.jp

