
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告]Tokyo Metropolitan University Japanese Program 2018 (TMUJP2018)

[公告]Tokyo Metropolitan University Japanese Program 2018 (TMUJP2018)


Tokyo Metropolitan University (TMU) offers the three weeks winter Japanese course in 2018. The program aims at providing a comprehensive introduction to Japanese language and culture. Students will develop their language skills and increase their understanding of the Japanese culture, through  Japanese  classes  and  the project work.


January 9—27, 2018


Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan


Undergraduate or Graduate students from our partner universities

 Program contents

The 3-week program covers Japanese language study, Japan studies and field trips.

 Program level

The Japanese language classes at Intermediate level (JLPT N3) are designed for students who want to accelerate their language study in the intensive program. Target level: J-CAT score around 100-200 *it is a rough guide, not the essential condition.

Students should take the free J-CAT test in September-October 2017,  and submit the score sheet along with other application documents when applying.

For details on J-CAT:  http://www.j-cat.org/images/pamphlet-e.pdf

For the registration of J-CAT:   http://www.j-cat.org/

Program fee

93,700 Japanese Yen

*This price includes program conduction fee, accommodation fee, and education materials.


Application form

Pre-course Questionnaire

Application guidelines


日本首都大學東京冬季短期課程徵選,歡迎有興趣的學生報名。請於2017930日下午五點前,填妥及繳交1-校內報名表(中文書寫)2-passport copy、3- J-CAT test成績 4-application form(英文書寫) 5-Pre-course Questionnaire(英文書寫)6-校內英文成績單7-其他有利文件(如日文檢定證明等),並將護照影本和其他有利文件存成一個PDF寄至fy.chou@mx.nthu.edu.tw (全球處綜事組/ 周小姐收 分機33428),主旨:○○○(你的姓名)—報名2018 Tokyo Metropolitan University Japanese winter program


