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[公告]2018 CAU Korea International Winter Program
CAU has offered an International Winter Program since 2014. Thanks to the continued success of our short term program, in 2017, we decided to continue the International Winter Program to expand the opportunity for students around the world to experience not only what it is like to study at Chung-Ang University, but also to share the rich and wonderful culture of modern and traditional Korea. CAU's International Winter Program (IWP) is a hybrid program providing students with a window into Korea, where courses are coupled with cultural experiences that foster an understanding of Korea’s Culture and Society.
January 18th to February 3rd, 2018
Who can apply
1.All students who are currently enrolled at college or university level institutions
2.English proficiency for non-native speakers
(TOEFL is not required. However, your English should be proficient enough to take courses conducted in English. If you don't have any certifications, a recommendation from an academic or administrative staff at your university will be necessary.)
*Total tuition fee is KRW 1,124,000 (USD 1,007), including application fee, tuition, airport pick up and dormitory fee.
*50% discount for partner university students.
CAU 2017 IWP will provide students with 4 (four) transferable credits.
1) Korean Language course (2 credits)
2) Basic Korean / Intermediate Korean / Advanced Korean/Korean Culture and Society course (2 credits)
The online application can be found at
Program brochure
*The online application system has been designed for Windows Internet Explorer, although it should be compatible with other browsers. If you are not able to complete the online application using a different browser, retry the application using Internet Explorer.
Online application、2-passport copy、3-在校成績單(英文) 4- 英文檢定證明 5-其他有利文件(如韓文檢定證明等),請將護照影本和其他所有文件存成一個PDF檔 寄至fy.chou@mx.nthu.edu.tw (全球處綜事組/ 周小姐收 分機33428),主旨:○○○(你的姓名)—報名 CAU Korea International Winter Program(IWP)