
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告]2018韓國漢陽大學 Visiting Student Program

[公告]2018韓國漢陽大學 Visiting Student Program

Hanyang University seeks for international talents who would like to spend a semester or a year in Hanyang to excel in their own field even further. Students can choose any of the 23 majors and over 500 courses offered in English every semester.
Session 1 
26 December 2017- 12 January 2018
Session 2
26 January-2018 10 February 2018
Seoul/Ansan, Korea
Who can apply
Students studying outside Korea who have completed at least one semester in their degree and who wish to study for Bachelors (B.A) / Undergraduate.
For more information please visit: http://www.hanyangexchange.com/
韓國漢陽大學春季交換生徵選,歡迎有興趣的學生報名。請於2017年11月24日下午五點前,填妥1- Online Application 並繳交1-passport copy、2-在校英文成績單,請將護照影本和成績單存成一個PDF檔 寄至fy.chou@mx.nthu.edu.tw (全球處綜事組/ 周小姐收 分機33428),主旨:○○○(你的姓名)—報名 2018韓國漢陽大學 Visiting Student Program
