
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告]IJEP Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho, MEXT) Scholarship

[公告]IJEP Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho, MEXT) Scholarship

The Graduate School of Science and Technology aims to foster people with leadership and the ability to solve various problems presented by the rapidly changing society with a flexible approach from scientific and technological points of view. In order to achieve this goal, we offer the Master’s Course in which students receive more specialized education and the Doctoral Course in which students learn from leading-edge, interdisciplinary, and comprehensive education and research. Through these two integrated Courses we provide students with a comprehensive background in multiple specialized fields so as to be able to conduct interdisciplinary work.
We also aim to foster people with broader views, creativity, and leadership by promoting collaboration with leading research institutions, so that we are able to supply talented people to the local community to contribute to its development. Furthermore, we aim to make the Graduate School more open to the local and global communities by providing more educational opportunities to adult and international students.
Application deadline 
February 13, 2018
*Please read the application information carefully and make sure to follow them when preparing your submission.
*Please note that the interview session should be finished at the time of application submission.
*Hard copy of required documents should be arrived before 17:00 (Japanese Time), February 13.
*Before sending paper based application materials, please send them via email first. We can check your documents in advance.
 Application period:October Admission: April 9 to May 25, 2018
For more information please visit: https://www.fast.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/gsst-en/admissions/
