
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 2018 土耳其科克大學 Summer Program at Koç University

[公告] 2018 土耳其科克大學 Summer Program at Koç University

2018 Summer Program at Koç University-Turkey
Turkey: The place to study international migration
A top-notch undergrad summer course at Koç University offers you a unique experience in the field of studies on international migration! This course is structured with lectures, guest lecturers and student presentations, participatory observations via field trips, writing an academic article on global migration and crisis, and optional service learning activities as in volunteer work at NGOs working with refugees!
Course Credits: You will earn 6 ECTS credits and be given a certificate of participation at the end of the course. 
Course Structure
3 weeks of classes + service learning activities
-- Learning via lectures, guest lecturers and student presentations (Monday through Thursday)
-- Participatory observations via field trips
-- Writing an academic article on global migration and crisis
-- Optional service learning activities (volunteer work at NGOs working with refugees) will take place in free afternoons*
*Service learning activities will take place in the free afternoons, when there are no field trips, and will be planned based on the availability of the partnering NGOs. Participation in service learning work is on a solely voluntary basis. Even if you do not participate in service learning work, you will still earn credits. 
-- A background in social sciences is not required. Koç University invites all interested students to apply, regardless of their background or major.
-- A minimum of 2.5 GPA is required.
-- The language of instruction is English. Students must hold a minimum of TOEFL PBT 550, TOEFL CBT 213, TOEFL IBT 80 or IELTS 6.5 (Not applicable to students applying from institutions whose medium of instruction is English).
1. Application website: https://kocuniversitesi.formstack.com/forms/international_migration_and_the_crisis_2018
2. A 400 word statement describing the student's motivation for participation (in the last section of the online course)
3. Transcripts describing student’s academic performance
4. A recent photograph
5. TOEFL or IELTS score sheet (unless you apply from an institution whose medium of instruction is English)
6. Non-refundable deposit of 100 USD*
Important Dates
May 4 – Application deadline
May 11 – Accepted applicants will be announced
May 25 – Deadline for payment of program & dorm fees
Program Expense
-- Tuition Fee: 1250 USD 
-- Dorm accommodation in single rooms (21 nights): 525 USD
-- Scholarships are available. 
-- National Tsing Hua University students will receive 10% off on tuition fee. 
Program Dates -- June 25 - July 13, 2018
-- Check-in to dorms: June 24, 2018
-- Orientation on Campus: June 25, 2018
-- Course dates: June 25 – July 13, 2018
-- Check-out from dorms: July 14, 2018
1. Website: https://oip.ku.edu.tr/?q=migration
2. Brochure (Download)
3. Contact email: summer@ku.edu.tr
