
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 2018 日本東北大學 Tohoku University Summer Program (3月26日截止)

[公告] 2018 日本東北大學 Tohoku University Summer Program (3月26日截止)

Tohoku University Summer Program 2018
Tohoku University Japanese Program 2018 (TUJP2018) provides students with intensive Japanese language classes to develop their communication skills efficiently, focusing on a variety of interesting topics in everyday life. This program also includes relevant lectures and cultural workshops as well as many opportunities to interact with Tohoku University students.
Program fee
---JPY 50,000 (incl. tuition, field trips, Japanese culture workshops and other activities). 
---JPY 74,800 Accommodation for 17 nights. (To be paid directly to the hotel when checking out)
*Travel and everyday expenses should be paid individually. 
Scholarship-- Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)
Qualified students may apply for a scholarship of JPY 80,000.
Minimum requirement for scholarship: GPA of 2.30 of 3.00
---TUJP-1 2018.07.01—2018.07.18
---TUJP-2 2018.07.22---2018.08.08
---Full-time undergraduate students at partner universities (university-level) of Tohoku University
---Sufficient English ability 
*Overall TOEFL iBT® Test 70 or TOEFL PBT Test 520 equivalent. Any internationally recognized English exams acceptable.)
*All classes and instructions are provided in English.
Important Dates
---Application Deadline: March 26th, 2018
---On-line Application for Nominated Students Deadline: March 31st, 2018 (Japan Time)
---Admission Notification: The end of April 2018
---Fee Payment Deadline: June 3rd, 2018
1. Finish On-line Application Form for NTHU: https://goo.gl/forms/idTQjsf5ywSwbyeV2
2. Application Form (Download)
3. Photocopy of Passport name page
4. Official Transcript in English
5. English Proficiency Certificate
6. Result of TTBJ/SPOT90 Online Japanese Test (Not required for complete beginners): 
7. Personal Statement (300-400 words)
8. JASSO Scholarship Application Form with Hand-Written Signature (Download)
9. Supporting materials
*TTBJ/SPOT90 Japanese online test: http://ttbj1.cegloc.tsukuba.ac.jp/apply/agree/
*Note: Please choose the "SPOT90+Grammar90+漢字SPOT50".
*Students must be nominated by NTHU for the further procedure.
--- 請於2018年3月26日 下午5點前 以一份PDF檔案備妥文件(2)~(8), mail至 dga@my.nthu.edu.tw
--- 主旨標明 " Tohoku University Summer Program 2018 - XX(系所) XX (姓名)
--- 並另將文件(2)Application Form 紙本, 送至行政大樓一樓 全球處綜事組
Contact Information
Division of General Affairs, Office of Global Affairs
E-mail: dga@my.nthu.edu.tw
For information on the program, please check website: http://www.insc.tohoku.ac.jp/english/short/tujp/
Program Brochure
JASSO Scholarship Information
