
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 2018 亞太大學交流會 UMAP Summer Program in Thailand (4月16日截止)

[公告] 2018 亞太大學交流會 UMAP Summer Program in Thailand (4月16日截止)

UMAP Discovery Camp 2018 in Thailand
UMAP is the acronym for the “University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific”. Founded in 1991, it is a voluntary association of government and non-government representatives of the higher education (university) sector.
The general aim of UMAP is for each of the countries and territories in the Asia- Pacific region to achieve a better understanding of the cultural, economic and social systems of the other countries and territories in the region through enhanced cooperation among higher education institutions and increased mobility of university students and staff.
Theme of the UMAP Discovery Camp 2018: Global Citizenship
 1. To adhere to UMAP main objective of enhancing international understanding through increased mobility of university students among UMAP member countries.
 2. To offer participating students opportunities to learn about Thai culture, society and environment through the medium of English.
 3. To encourage participating students to be socially conscious and caring global citizen via their engagement and participation in UMAP Discovery Camp 2018 activities.
UMAP Discovery Camp 2018 will give participating students opportunities to learn about Thailand in the following contexts.
 - History, Language and Traditional Arts
 - Food Culture
 - Environment & Urban Lifestyle
 - Creative Economy & Youth Engagement
About the Program
Dates: July 22- August 4 2018
 - Office of Higher Education Commission (OHEC)
 - Chulalongkorn University (CU)
 - King Mongkut Institute of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT)
 - Bangkok University (BU)
 A Full scholarship program including accommodation, land transportation, activities and lectures to all selected participants.
Participants: A total of 40 selected participants
 - 28 international students from UMAP Member Countries.
 - 12 local students from Chulalongkorn University (CU),
   King Mongkut Institute of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) and Bangkok University (BU)
 - Must be a student of a UMAP full member university/college (NTHU is one of the members)
 - Age, between 18-23 years old, as of April 1, 2018 (preferable)
 - Possess a good command of English Language, with one of the following proficiency scores: 
   IELTS: overall score of 5.0
   TOEFL: overall score of 500 iBT / 173 CBT / 61 PBT
   TOEIC: overall Score of 650
   Other English Proficiency Test which is equivalent to the test mentioned above.
 - Must be willing to partake in and contribute to all lectures and activities of the UMAP Discovery Camp 2018.
 - Be physically fit to travel and able to engage in all activities such as walking and bike-riding.
 - Must obtain a permit to enter Thailand as stated in the following website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, (http://www.mfa.go.th/main/en/services/4908), if required.
 - Must be responsible for own expenses for travel arrangements to Thailand, travel and medical insurance.
Important Dates
 - Application Deadline: April 16, 2018
 - On-line Application for Nominated Students Deadline: April 30, 2018
 - Admission Notification: May 15, 2018
 1. Finish On-line Application Form for NTHU: https://goo.gl/forms/idTQjsf5ywSwbyeV2
 2. Application Form (Download) → For NTHU internal nomination process
 3. Photocopy of Passport name page
 4. Official Transcript in English
 5. English Proficiency Certificate
 6. 250-word Statement of Purpose → For UMAP official selection process
 7. Supporting materials
 *Students must be nominated by NTHU for the further procedure.
--- 請於2018年4月16日 下午5點前一份PDF檔案備妥文件(2)~(8), mail至 dga@my.nthu.edu.tw
--- 主旨標明 " UMAP Discovery Camp 2018 in Thailand - XX(系所) XX (姓名)
--- 並另將文件(2)Application Form 紙本, 送至行政大樓一樓 全球處綜事組
Contact Information
Division of General Affairs, Office of Global Affairs
E-mail: dga@my.nthu.edu.tw
Attention: Tess Wu #33428
Leaflet (Download)
Facebook: UMAP Discovery Camp 2018
About UMAP: http://umap.org/
