
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 2018 德國達姆施塔特應用科學大學 Hessen International Summer University - Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences

[公告] 2018 德國達姆施塔特應用科學大學 Hessen International Summer University - Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences

Hessen International Summer University - Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
The Hessen International Summer University (ISU) is organized by Hochschule Darmstadt, one of the biggest Universities of Applied Sciences in Germany. During the four-week intensive English programme, scientific knowledge will be enhanced by practical learning with hands-on experiences. The offered courses provide students with the opportunity to extend their network and establish valuable contacts for their future career. The ISU is a joint project of the Hessen institutions of higher learning and is funded by the Hessen Ministry of Higher Education, Research and the Arts.
I. Program Schedule
July 16 – August 11, 2018
II. Topic: German Energiewende – Impact on Buildings and their Inhabitants
III. Course Content
- Smart Living in the house of the future 
Improvement of living comfort by building automation, how building automation can influence efficiency among the supply/consumer chain, interaction of house, car and smart grid and its impact on efficiency, opportunities for the increase of safety with building automation
- Influence of renewable energies on the power system 
Energy supply, distribution and consumption
- Options of renewable power generation for family houses 
Geothermal energy, wind energy, solar energy and water power
- Climate communication – impact of ‘Energiewende’ on individual behavior
- E-mobility and its interaction with the house
Battery systems, interaction of car, house and additional storage systems)
- Academic excursion 
Ski resort in the Alps: how does a ski resort deal with climate change, its impact and how it makes use of renewable energies
IV. Program Fee
- Regular: 1,990 €. 
- Early-bird: 1,790 €, pay before April 1, 2018.
The program fee includes
- Accommodation from July 15 - August 11, 2018
- Four-week study programme including seminar materials
- Company visits and field trips
- German language course (including seminar materials)
- Cultural and leisure programme
- Ticket for public transportation within Darmstadt
- Health, accident, and liability insurance
V. Academic Standards
Upon successful completion, 6 ECTS will be awarded for the class.
VI. Contact
Ms. Jessica Mayer
Hochschule Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
International Office | Haardtring 100 | D-64295 Darmstadt
Tel +49.6151.16-39285 | Fax +49.6151.16-38028
jessica.mayer@h-da.de | http://www.international.h-da.de
VII. Reference
Summer School Website: https://isu.h-da.de/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ISUDarmstadt
Blog: https://isudarmstadt.wordpress.com/
Program Outline (Download)
Program Schedule (Download)
Application Form (Download)

