
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 2018 熊本大學 Kumamoto University Summer program

[公告] 2018 熊本大學 Kumamoto University Summer program

2018 Kumamoto University Summer program  熊本大学 サマープログラム
The Summer Program offered by the College of Cross-Cultural and Multidisciplinary Studies at Kumamoto University provides international students who have an interest in studying abroad in Japan with a chance to experience life as an international student at Kumamoto University.
【Dates and Theme】
English Course: Environment and Sustainable Energy, July 18, 2018 – July 27, 2018 (10 days) 
*The English Course will be conducted entirely in English
Japanese Course: Japanese Language and Culture, July 31, 2018 – August 9, 2018 (10 days)
*The Japanese course will be conducted entirely in Japanese
Both course, 45 students contained 
英語コース :環境と持続可能なエネルギ
National university in Kumamoto, Japan
【Program Fee】
Participation fee (Required):  100,000 Japanese Yen 
includes accommodation, class fees, field trip fees, and breakfast.
Does not include the cost of transportation to or from Japan, the cost of transportation within Japan, the cost of meals (other than breakfast) during the program, or bank transfer fees.
The Participation Fee must be paid in advance via bank transfer, in general from the home university.  Payment details will be announced after participant selection.  
【Eligibility Criteria】
・Participants must be undergraduate students currently enrolled at a university with which Kumamoto University has an agreement for academic or student exchange.
Japanese language proficiency equal to or greater than JLPT N3 (only for Japanese Course)
English language proficiency equal to or greater than IELTS level 5 (only for English Course)
・Participants who have been in our Summer Program or Spring Program before are excluded.
・Participants must obtain travelers insurance in their home countries prior to departing for Japan.
・We will cancel the Summer Program if the minimum of 15 participants are not gathered. 
・最小催行人数 15名に満たない場合は実施を中止します。
【Important Dates】
 - Application Deadline: May 01, 2018
 - On-line Application for Nominated Students Deadline: May 11, 2018
 - Admission Notification: Estimated: May 28 – June 1, 2018
Step 1 - Finish On-line Application Form (Click)
Step 2 - Prepare Documents
(1) NTHU Application Form (Download) updated*
(2) Official Kumamoto University Application Form (Download)
(3) English/Japanese Proficiency Certificate 
(4) Official Transcript 
(5) Supporting materials
*Students must be nominated by NTHU for the further procedure*
Step 3 - Email  
- Please email ONE pdf file of all 1-5 documents to dga@my.nthu.edu.tw 
- Kindly states subject " 2018 Kumamoto University Summer Program - XX(department) XX (name) “ in the email
Step 4 - Hand In 
- Please bring the hard copy of (1) Application Form to the DGA office (Room 111, General Building). Attn: Tess Wu 
All steps should been finished by 5pm May 1st, 2018 
Kumamoto University Website
Flyer (Eng)
Flyer (Jap)
Contact Information
Division of General Affairs, Office of Global Affairs
E-mail: dga@my.nthu.edu.tw

