
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 2018 日本京都大學 Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program

[公告] 2018 日本京都大學 Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program

2018 日本京都大學 亞洲未來領袖獎學金計畫 Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program
The Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program (AFLSP) is a pan-Asian initiative that provides young Asian scholars the opportunity to study abroad in an Asian University and connects 16 Anchor and Participating Universities across 9 cities in East Asia. It was established in 2014 through the generosity of Mr. Ronald K. Y. Chao (Vice Chairman and Director, Novel Enterprises Limited in Hong Kong), and is administered by Bai Xian Asia Institute Limited. With a vision to develop future leaders who embrace cultural diversity and play an active role in creating harmony among the nations, BXAI aims to grant up to 100 AFLSP Scholarships per year to elite students at its 16 Anchor and Participating Universities. Six universities in Japan, China and Hong Kong, including Kyoto University, have been chosen as Anchor Universities for the AFLSP. These universities each operate an independent selection process for the AFLSP.
Application period: May 1 to May 31, 2018 (closes at 17:00 p.m. Japan time)
Note: The website cannot be accessed on or after the deadline.
Application procedure: ONLINE Registration (Click)

Scholarship amount and payment method
Monthly amount: Approximately 150,000 Japanese yen
An amount equivalent to 535,800 Japanese yen to cover tuition for one year and 282,000 Japanese yen to cover admission fees shall be paid separately.
Note: As the scholarship shall be paid in Japanese yen, the actual amount received may vary depending on the exchange rate.  
Note: The continued payment of the scholarship for the second year shall be decided by BXAI and the university based on a comprehensive assessment of the recipient’s reports, academic performance, and conduct, etc. 
Eligibility and Selection Criteria:
Only applicants who meet all of the following criteria shall be considered: 
(1) Supportive of the AFLSP’s purposes, possess strong personal integrity, interested in international and intercultural understanding and goodwill, and prepared to contribute. 
(2) Citizenship of an Asian country other than Japan, and prospective status of residence in Japan of “College Student” at the time the scholarship is awarded (those with multiple citizenship of Japan and other country/ies are not eligible). 
(3) Under 35 years of age at the time of application. 
(4) High proficiency in English (English proficiency at a level roughly equivalent to a TOEFL iBT score of 90 or more is preferred). 
(5) Completed a bachelor’s degree at one of the designated institutions below 
Taiwan: National Taiwan University, National Tsing Hua University
(6) Expecting to enroll as a regular (degree-seeking) student (master’s [post-doctoral], doctoral, 5-year doctoral, professional degree program) at a graduate school of Kyoto University in October 2018 or April 2019, and planning to complete that degree program in the standard number of years. 
(7) Completed the screening procedures at the Kyoto University Admissions Assistance Office (AAO)by the beginning of the scholarship term. 
(8) Recommended by a supervising university professor or by an individual of equivalent status. 
(9) Never previously received an AFLSP Scholarship. 
(10) In genuine need of financial support. 
(11) In sound physical and mental health, with high moral standards, and an outstanding academic record. 
(12) Remain enrolled at Kyoto University as a full-time student for the duration of participation in the AFLSP. 
(13) Not be a recipient of any other scholarship or other form of funding support by a third party 
(14) Not take up paid employment, full-time or part-time, while enrolled at the university and receiving the benefit of the scholarship, unless granted permission 
(1) Participation in the BXAI Summer Program 2019 (an annually held program lasting for approximately three weeks) and other exchange events held as part of the AFLSP during the scholarship term 
(2) Participation in the following programs provided for AFLSP recipients (participation in other programs may also be required): 
a. AFLSP student orientation 
b. Classes on comparative cultural studies and international relations in East Asia 
c. Seminars on international relations, etc. 
d. East Asian language studies (including self-guided studies) 
e. Presentation of study achievements 
(3) Active participation in international exchange and social engagement activities. 
(4) Submission of study reports and activity reports by the designated deadlines.  
Application documents
(1) Scholarship Application Form, which must be completed online by the applicant 
(2) Research Plan (in any format) 
(3) Letter of recommendation from supervising professor or equivalent. (Download) 
Use the standard form provided. If possible, the letter of recommendation should be provided by the applicant’s prospective graduate school supervisor. If the applicant is not able to submit a letter of recommendation from a Kyoto University faculty member because their supervisor has not yet been determined or for other similar reasons, the letter of recommendation should be provided by a supervisor or faculty member of equivalent status at the university or graduate school in which the applicant is currently, or was recently, enrolled.) 
(4) Photograph of the applicant. (Head-and-shoulders image with no headwear, taken in the last six months. To be submitted as a JPEG file.) 
(5) Certificate of Language Proficiency (JLPT: Japanese Language Proficiency Test, TOEFL, etc.) (If applicable) 
(6) Copy of the university diploma (if the applicant graduated from a university). 
The diploma must have been issued by the university from which the applicant graduated. 
Note: If the applicant has completed a master’s degree, they must submit two diplomas (bachelor’s and master’s). 
(7) Certificate of enrollment (if the applicant is expecting to graduate from a university). 
The certificate must bear the university’s official stamp. 
(8) Academic Transcript 
The transcript must bear the official stamp of the university from which the applicant graduated or expects to graduate from, and must be issued in either Japanese or English. 
(9) Declaration of Understanding and Agreement for an International Student Scholarship Application. (Download) (Use the standard form provided. Complete in either Japanese or English.) 
(10) Letter of Admission from a graduate school at Kyoto University. 
(11) Copy of Residence Card (both sides). 
Application Procedures
May 31, 2018 Deadline for applications 
Mid-June to late June: Stage 1 Screening (document screening) 
Screening of application documents by the Kyoto University selection committee 
Early July (tentative): Notification of the results of the Stage 1 Screening (by e-mail) 
Late July to early August (tentative): Stage 2 Screening (interview) 
Interview conducted by the Kyoto University selection committee 
* Those who pass the Stage 1 Screening will be provided with further information about the interview at a later date. 
Mid-September to Late September (tentative): Notification of the results of the Stage 2 Screening (by e-mail)
Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program Application Guideline (Download) 
AFLSP flyer (Kyoto U)
百腎亞洲研究院 (Click)

Contact Information
AFLSP Coordinator, International Education and Student Mobility Division, 
Education Promotion and Student Support Department, Kyoto University 
Yoshida Nihonmatsu-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan 
E-mail: AFLSP@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp 
Open Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00 (closed on weekends and national holidays)
除了京都大學之外,東京早稻田大學(Waseda University)、東京一橋大學国際企業戦略研究科(Hitotsubashi University-ICS)、香港科大(HKUST)、北京大學(PKU)、浙江大學(ZJU)也提供AFLSP獎學金給全日制的學生,細節請至網站(Click)查詢。
Division of General Affairs, Office of Global Affairs
Phone:03-5715131 #33428
E-mail: dga@my.nthu.edu.tw
Attention: Tess Wu
