
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 2018 Koç University Migration Summer Program

[公告] 2018 Koç University Migration Summer Program


2018 Migration Summer Program at Koç University, Turkey

International Migration and the Crisis | The Basic Instinct: Survival

“This program brought together local students with attendees of various backgrounds, from all over the globe, who had some stake or interest in topics around migration. I met fascinating people and came out with a sense of what we're talking about when we talk about refugees, asylum seekers, immigrants, aliens, borders, and the "international migration crisis".

A top-notch undergrad summer course at Koç University offers you a unique experience in the field of studies on international migration!
This course is structured with lectures, guest lecturers and student presentations, participatory observations via field trips, writing an academic article on global migration and crisis, and optional service learning activities as in volunteer work at NGOs working with refugees!

Program dates: June 25 - July 13, 2018
Application deadline: May 4, 2018

Cost: NTHU students will get 10% discount on the tuition
Program fee 1,250 USD excludes accommodation on campus, meals, costs associated servce learning activities (transporatation etc.), and other miscellaneous expenses.
Accomodation: 525 USD in single room, 21 nights

Check-in to dorms: June 24, 2018
Orientation on Campus: June 25, 2018
Course dates: June 25 – July 13, 2018
Check-out from dorms: July 14, 2018

BROCHURE (Download)   ||    Application online (Click)
