
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 2018 University of Pardubice Summer School 提供全額獎學金!

[公告] 2018 University of Pardubice Summer School 提供全額獎學金!

2018 University of Pardubice Summer School
位於捷克的姐妹校 University of Pardubice 暑期營隊,提供5名全額獎學金喔!! 只需要負擔個人機票與花費,同學們快來報名,前往捷克吧!
Summer_School_2018_flyer    || Official Website
Topic: European Studies and Governance 
Each week will be focused on one or two topics
There will be a group field trip each Saturday. Topics to look forward to:
1st week  – Intercultural communication and European Values
2nd week – Economics and Administration
3rd week  – Chemical Technology and Healthcare
4th week  – Transportation and National Heritage
Note: The programme may slightly change
The course runs from July 8, 2018 to August 7, 2018
University of Pardubice, Czech Republic
Who can enroll
NTHU Students from all around the world between 18 and 30 years
Costs & Scholarships
5 scholarships are available for NTHU nominated students.
The scholarship covers the study, accommodation and meals
You will be housed in one of the University's on-campus dormitory
Learn more on University of Pardubice Web
NTHU Application deadline: 5pm May 21, 2018
*Students must be nominated by NTHU for the further procedure*
Host U Application deadline: May 27, 2018
How to apply
Step 1- Finish On-line Application Form for NTHU (Click)
Step 2 - Prepare Documents
(1) NTHU Application Form (Download)
(2) Official Transcript (English version) 
(3) English Proficiency Certificate 
(4) Supporting materials
 **Students must be nominated by NTHU for the further procedure**
Step 3 - Email  
Please email ONE pdf file of all documents to dga@my.nthu.edu.tw and kindly name the file and email subject " 2018 Pardubice SP - XX(department) XX (name) “ 
Step 4 - Hand In 
Please bring the hard copy of (1) NTHU Application Form only to the DGA office (Room 111, General Building 1)
All steps above should been finished by 5 pm 21th May, 2018
NTHU-DGA will inform NTHU nominated students by 25th May and nominated students should complete Application Online per University of Pardubice request before 27th May, 2018.
Contact information
Division of General Affairs, Office of Global Affairs
Phone:03-5715131 #33428
E-mail: dga@my.nthu.edu.tw
Attention: Tess Wu 
1. 參與營隊,須全程參與活動,不得缺課、無故離席
2. 活動結束後,繳交個人心得報告乙份 (中英文皆可, 250-500字,附照片佳)

