
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 2018 APRU Sustainable Cities and Landscapes Conference,歡迎踴躍報名參加

[公告] 2018 APRU Sustainable Cities and Landscapes Conference,歡迎踴躍報名參加


Management of the nexus between cities and their surrounding landscapes is central to most pressing sustainability issues, including the degree to which connections to regional landscapes provide health, vitality and a sense of place to urban residents. Numerous “sustainable” solutions have failed due to lack of understanding of the city-landscape system as a whole.

Through cross-disciplinary collaboration, the Association of the Pacific Rim Universities’ Sustainable Cities and Landscape Hub aims to advance the sustainability of human societies, focusing on the relationship of the cities and landscapes across the Pacific Rim. The hub seeks to enhance landscape-level sustainability and resilience in the face of continued expansion of cities and the impacts of climate change, under four guiding principles:

2018 APRU Sustainable Cities and Landscapes Conference, The University of Hong Kong
APRU-SCL conferences provide opportunities for academics and experts from different regions, cultures and disciplines around the Pacific Rim to explore and collaborate on common sustainability challenges and to develop new understandings and responses that can foster transformative change within cities, and between cities and their surrounding landscapes.

2018 APRU-SCL Conference at The University of Hong Kong, will be structured around 10 to 12 thematic working groups (WG), each with 10-12 members.

Conference Extensions
A separate design field school, led by instructors from the University of Hong Kong (in partnership with local academics, environmental and social groups) will be run immediately before the conference.  The field school is open to students of participating APRU-SCL Hub, and will investigate the impact of rapid modernisation on the sustainability of the landscapes and communities of East Java.   Participants will be invited to join one of the working groups at the conference and present the outcomes of the field school at one-day public seminar in Hong Kong.
Design field school

How to participate?
Conference participation is not limited to APRU institutions. We welcome researchers, professionals, policymakers, and community leaders from around the world.

Deadline for applications to join a working group is May 31, 2018.  Applications will be reviewed by the Working Group leaders and the APRU-SCL Committee and applicants notified by June 14, 2018.
