
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 香港教育大學 2018 香港研究培訓課程

[公告] 香港教育大學 2018 香港研究培訓課程


2018 Hong Kong Studies Research School  香港研究培訓課程

現正接受申請中!  歡迎有興趣的人社院博士生自行報名~! 

The detailed programme information and application procedures are available at the AHKS website.

Established in July 2015, The Academy of Hong Kong Studies (AHKS) of The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) is the first academy dedicated to fostering Hong Kong studies within local tertiary institutions. Aiming at encouraging young scholars to conduct research on Hong Kong-related topics with a view to building a trans-regional Hong Kong Studies Research Community, the AHKS has introduced a initiative entitled “2018 Hong Kong Studies Research Schools”.  

Application is invited for “2018 Hong Kong Studies Research School” Targets: Current PhD students from universities who adopt “Hong Kong” as their principal or major focus area.

To encourage young scholars to conduct research on Hong Kong-related topics with a view to building a trans-regional Hong Kong Studies Research Community.

Current PhD students from local/non-local universities who adopt “Hong Kong” as their principal or major focus area (First-year PhD students will be given priority).

Hong Kong Studies Research School is an intensive 3-day training programme offering you:
- FREE training sessions on the most advanced research approaches and methods in respect of the major areas of Hong Kong Studies;
- EXCLUSIVE chances to present your paper* at the Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference and (subject to peer-review) get the paper published either in Hong Kong Studies or Social Transformations in Chinese Societies;
- PRECIOUS opportunities to meet senior Hong Kong Studies scholars and exchange with PhD students from different backgrounds; and
- ATTENDANCE CERTIFICATE in recognition of your completion of programme.
*We welcome original and unpublished papers from all humanities and social science disciplines with “Hong Kong” as its principal or major focus area. 
The research theme of 2017 / 2018 Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference is “Studying Hong Kong’s Multiethnicity”, preferences will be given to papers that are relevant to this theme.

Support for non-local PhD students
PhD students from non-local institutions will be provided FREE 5-day-4-night accommodation (2-person rooms/3-person rooms) in local YHA Hostel from 11 to 15 December 2018 (Tuesday to Saturday);
And they will be responsible for their own transport costs between Hong Kong and their original residence, local transport costs, living expenses, travel and medical insurances, student visa application fee, etc.

To apply, please complete the application form (in PDF format or WORD format)  and return it to the AHKS via ahks-research@eduhk.hk before 15 June 2018 and we will inform applicants of the results in June 2018.  Successful applicants should submit full papers by 30 November 2018.  


