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[公告] NUS Global Citizen Conference 2018


姊妹校NUS舉辦國際會議,邀請大學部學生自行報名參加! 大家可以把握機會。

Sign up now (Click) !  Please note that only undergraduates can apply to participate in this conference.

NUS Global Citizen Conference 2018 as a participant to learn more about the topics you are interested in! Get to meet new international and local friends! Accommodation, Food and Programme all included. Early Bird Pricing still ongoing!


The National University of Singapore (NUS) Students' Union Global Relations Unit (NUSSU GRU), supported by the NUS Office of Student Affairs (OSA), is organising the NUS Global Citizen Conference (NGCC) 2018 – a 7-day conference held at NUS with the aim of cultivating a Global Citizen mindset in today's youths.
Our theme this year is Global Progression and it will involve stakeholders from Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), Social Entrepreneurs, Academics and speakers from various fields.

日期:2018 年 7 月 15-21 日 (15 入住,16-20 會議, 21 退房)
地點: 新加坡國立大學大學城 (NUS University Town)
價格:新幣$190 (優惠價)(普通價新幣$250 )
包括了會議時的住宿,會議器材以及特定的餐食。**第三天的午餐和晚餐將會由學生自費在校外食閣享用本地美食** 在7月15日,會準備三班機場接駁巴士讓參會者可以乘搭到大學城。

Dates: 15th July 2018 to 21st July 2018
Venue: National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore [University Town]
Cost: Early Bird Pricing [Extended till Mid-June]
International Students - SGD$190 (Compulsory to stay in the accommodation provided during the conference)

[The conference fee includes accommodation, food, venue and etc. Payment details to be made known upon acceptance. Please note that each program will start in the morning, thus, we strongly encourage participants to stay on campus.]

Official Web (Click)

Official Pamphlet (Download)


