
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告]環太平洋大學協會問卷調查Member Survey on Achieving Sustainable Oceans for the Pacific Rim

[公告]環太平洋大學協會問卷調查Member Survey on Achieving Sustainable Oceans for the Pacific Rim


本校於2017年8月正式成為環太平洋大學協會 Association of Pacific Rim Universities (簡稱APRU)會員校之一,透過APRU與環太平洋地區具影響力之研究型大學建立有力之聯繫網,提供會員學校領導人意見與策略交流之平台並形成校際合作網絡,得以提高其研究實力的影響力。APRU目前包括17個APEC經濟體之50所會員學校,包含澳洲國立大學、雪梨大學、智利大學、印尼大學、首爾國立大學、延世大學、東京大學、大阪大學、馬來亞大學、蒙特雷科技大學、菲律賓大學、新加坡國立大學、朱拉隆功大學、華盛頓大學等。

為協助進行相關研究,敬請本校教職員踴躍於7月31日前協助填寫Member Survey on Achieving Sustainable Oceans for the Pacific Rim,謝謝。

Dear APRU Senior International Leaders,
Greetings from APRU International Secretariat.

As you may have noticed the deadline for completing the Survey: Achieving Sustainable Oceans for the Pacific Rim is approaching, we are pleased to inform you that the deadline has been extended to July 31, 2018, in order to give your universities sufficient time to complete it.

Please forward this email survey as widely as possible to faculty and colleagues who have knowledge in the intersection of oceanic research and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as:
•marine/ocean science
•environmental science and engineering
•public policy

As part of the inaugural APRU Pacific Ocean Cluster Project, the survey aims to collect expert opinions and knowledge to identify how SDG Goal 14: Life Below Water co-benefits or faces trade-offs from addressing other SDG goals at national scales.

The survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. The final outcomes of the survey will be:
•used to determine policy priorities to achieve sustainable ocean development across Pacific Rim economies.
•shared and disseminated through the APRU network and beyond.
•applied to the following project workshop by supporting the development of policy pathways to advance SDG14.
•presented to the APEC Ocean and Fisheries Working Group for further discussions and extensive research in 2019.

For more information, please
click here to view the concept of this research project.
click here to learn more about APRU's inaugural Pacific Ocean Cluster Project.

If you have any questions regarding the survey, please contact Dr. Gerald Singh at g.singh@oceans.ubc.ca.

Thank you and we look forward to receiving your responses.
