
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 2018 立命館大學 IEEE 學生英語簡報競賽

[公告] 2018 立命館大學 IEEE 學生英語簡報競賽


2018 日本關西立命館大學 IEEE 學生英語簡報競賽   提供住宿與機票,快把握機會報名! 

English presentation competition at Ritsumeikan University: IEEE Student Branch

EPCR 2018 is an event presented by IEEE Student Branch Kansai Section. 
Presenters are kindly invited to introduce their work for the sake of the practice for an international conference.
This event aims to encourage to apply for IEEE, communicate with other people, including not only college students but also high school students, beyond the border of countries.
The purpose of this event is to share students' ideas and opinions on appearing issues in the fields of electrical, electronic and computer engineering as well as information science technologies.


Official Website from IEEE Ritsumeikan Student Branch (Click)

Important Dates
Deadline for NTHU internal application: 5PM Aug 1st (Wed), 2018
** 紙本審查之後將會8月6日電話通知是否能於8月8日(Wed)進行複試 **
** 複試須進行英文簡報預演,由清華老師主評 **
Date of NTHU internal Selection interview: Aug 8th (Wed), 2018
** NTHU will nominate TWO NTHU students to host university.
These TWO selected students should finish the registration online by Aug 12th, 2018 and submit abstract online by 2nd Sep per IEEE SB request. **
Deadline for Registration: August 12th, 2018
Deadline for Abstract Submission: September 2nd, 2018
Date of the Event: November 16th (Fri), 2018 
** 請注意學期課程時間與期中考時間是否能配合,全球處可提供公假證明,但請學生務必事先和修課老師確認考試日程等事宜 **

Presentation Details EPCR 2018_abstract_Download
Date: 16th Nov 2018 (Fri) 10:30 – 17:00 (depending on presenters)
Location: Rohm Plaza 3F, 5F at BKC in Ritsumeikan University (1-1-1, Noji-Higashi, Kusatsu Shiga 525-8577, Japan)
 - 7mins for presentation, 2mins for Q&A.
 - The number of slides are not limited (Use English in all the slides)
 - Presentation and Q&A are in English.
 - Time-keeper ring a bell six times in total; one time for 4mins, two times for 7mins, and three times for 9mins.
 - Third ringing shows the time to finish your presentation of your research, and move on to Q&A. Sixth ringing shows the time to finish your whole presentation.
 - Theme: Your own research topic

Applicants: Undergraduate students or Master's students
Number of the students: 2 are invited

* Accommodation: Provided for free of charge.
* Round trip tickets from Taiwan to Osaka are provided for free of charge.
* The invited students must buy their own health and travel insurances for themselves.

RU students will take care of the invited students from NTHU while you stay in Ritsumeikan University.

The accommodation is located in Ritsumeikan Univ for Nov 15(check-in) to Nov 17(check-out) where it is called Epoch21.
Nov 17 is an extra free day for students sightseeing in Japan. Please enjoy it.
The invited students could make a reservation by themselves if they would like to stay at another accommodation in the day.
In the case, host RU are going to cancel out the reservation for Epoc21.

指定航班資訊 (tentative)
Jetstar Asia
Nov 15, 2018
From Taoyuan Intl.(TPE)
To Kansai Intl. (KIX)
12:45 -> 16:10 for 2h25m, NonStop
Jetstar Asia
Nov 18, 2018
From Kansai Intl. (KIX)
To Taoyuan Intl.(TPE)
11:35 -> 13:50 for 3h15m, Nonstop
A member of the EPCR staffs will pick students up at the airport when they are arrived at KIX, and guide them to the accomodation.



第一階段: 書面審查 (即日起 至 8月1日)
Step 1 - Finish On-line Application Form (Click)
Step 2 - Prepare Documents

(1) NTHU Application Form (Download)
(2) Official Transcript (English version)
(3) English Proficiency Certificate 
(4) Photocopy of passport
(5) Supporting materials
Step 3 - Email  
- Please email ONE pdf file of all documents above to dga@my.nthu.edu.tw 
- Kindly state email subject “2018 IEEE and your PDF filename as “王大明 DAMIN, WANG
Step 4 - Hand In 
- Please bring the hard copy of (1) NTHU Application Form to the DGA office (Room 111, General Building, Office Hour: 8:30am - midday, 1pm-5pm)
All steps above should be finished by 5pm Aug 1st, 2018 

第二階段: 面試+簡報 ( 8月6日通知,8月8日舉行)
- 將會於8月6日電話通知錄取學生8月8日(Wed)進行複試,地點 清華大學行政大樓,地點與時間細節將會另行通知
- 請學生準備英文簡報,並由清華老師主評,選出2名代表清華赴日參加比賽

第三階段: 赴日代表清華參加比賽 (11月16日)
- 請注意學期課程時間與期中考時間是否能配合,全球處可提供公假證明,但請學生務必事先和修課老師確認考試日程等事宜。

Contact Information
Division of General Affairs, Office of Global Affairs
E-mail: dga@my.nthu.edu.tw
Attention: Tess Wu 

1. 代表清華大學出席姊妹校舉辦之活動,請務必
2. 活動結束後,繳交個人心得報告乙份 (中英文皆可, 250-500,附照片佳)

- 應屆畢業生若於營隊活動日期之前畢業,應檢附「清華大學研究所網路報到證明」或「延畢相關證明」始能報名。
- 建議大學部三年級學生把握最後一年的冬季營隊機會喔!
- 未來有意報名外國夏季/冬季活動的同學們,建議提早準備英語能力考試,以免後悔莫及。

