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[公告] INNOVATE SYMPOSIUM: Globalization and Technology in China


以下為INNOVATE SYMPOSIUM: Globalization and Technology in China之訊息,有意報名之本校學生,請查詢網站 (http://www.engr.pitt.edu/international/) 或逕洽Mr. Chyu。台灣學生報名費約約美金2000 (含大陸當地所有花費)。


Larry Shuman
Senior Associate Dean and Professor of Industrial Engineering
Swanson School of Engineering
152 Benedum Hall
shuman@ pitt.edu

Minking Chyu
Chair, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Leighton and Mary Orr Professor
649 Benedum Hall

The 2011 INNOVATE International Symposium will focus on China. The Symposium involve approximately 35 engineering, science and business student delegates from the University of Pittsburgh and Rice University in the U.S., and selected universities in Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, Taiwan, China, and India. This unique international make-up forces students to confront globalization from an international perspective that challenges their thinking about their own country and culture.  Our creative use of cyber-infrastructure enables us to ensure the active involvement of all delegates, both U.S. and international throughout the program.

Specifically, the 2011 INNOVATE International Symposium is a ten-day, experiential short-term study abroad experience to China that carefully blends company sites visits and meetings with key business, education, economic, and government leaders. Students are encouraged to engage in a comparative examination of economic and technological development and innovation between China and their own home countries.. Events are structured around key themes including the development of human capacity and a knowledge economy; technology as economic driver and strategy for development; and the environment for foreign investment.  Thus students have the opportunity to observe first-hand how technology is driving globalization. 
The INNOVATE symposium will take place in China for several reasons.  First, China has become an important center for both technology and manufacturing; it is an ideal location to view the global interconnectedness that defines the engineering workplace.  Second, it is a region where U.S. students have had limited travel experience, despite its importance to the global economy. Finally, the close proximity of developed and developing economies makes it possible to facilitate a comparative study of factors affecting their respective technology sectors.

The INNOVATE itinerary is multi-faceted. The company site visits, panel discussions, and keynote addresses are chosen to provide diverse perspectives.  Past visits and speakers have included representatives from major international corporations including Toyota, Motorola, GE, Infosys, Texas Instruments, Intel, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), among others.  Key educational and research centers such as the GE Innovation Center in Bangalore, the Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Park, the National University of Singapore’s Biopolis, Fudan University in China, and the National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan have also been visited.  The inclusion of cultural tours and related special events supplements our formal programming and provides an opportunity for INNOVATE delegates to learn more about the history and culture of host countries. 

Throughout the symposium, students are challenged to engage in active reflection about their experiences, by keeping journals and participating in formal and informal discussions.  This reflection is encouraged by an interdisciplinary, international team of faculty traveling with the students and made richer by the diverse perspectives of the international student delegations, who are assigned roommates from the U.S.

Participants:  To date over 350 delegates from universities throughout the U.S., Japan, China, Singapore, India, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Lebanon have participated in INNOVATE.  Students are selected for INNOVATE on the basis of their demonstrated leadership; academic excellence; articulated interest in globalization, technology and innovation; and demonstrated interest in or desire to pursue further academic or professional opportunities abroad, particularly within Asia.

March 3 – March 13, 2011
Tentative Schedule (November 30, 2010)

Early morning ‐ fly from Pittsburgh (and possibly Houston) to Beijing;

US Delegates arrive in mid‐afternoon.
Participants from Japan, Taiwan and local universities to arrive in Beijing
Dinner at hotel

Introduction to Beijing and touring – Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City, Summer Palace.
Opening dinner – keynote speaker to be announced.

A focus on Chinese Universities: Peking University and Tsinghua University; lunch included
Dinner at Xinijang Restaurant with show
Business in China: Morning lecture/program at local university; Company visits (afternoon); lunch included
Dinner and Chinese acrobats

Visit to the Great Wall in morning; lunch; free time; early dinner on own. 
Overnight Train to Suzhou (1st class sleeper) departs 2130; arrives 0700.

Company visits in Suzhou – most likely Cisco Research and Manufacturing operations.  Possible video conference with Cisco site elsewhere in Asia.

MAR 10 (THR)
Visit Suzhou Gardens, other cultural sites, lunch provided; dinner on own.
The city is renowned for its stone bridges, pagodas, and meticulously designed gardens which have contributed to its status as a great tourist attraction. Since the Song Dynasty (960-1279), Suzhou has also been an important centre for China's silk industry and continues to hold that prominent position today. The city is part of the Yangtze River Delta region.  It is occasionally nicknamed the "Venice of China

MAR 11 (FRI)
Travel to Shanghai [train at 0800/ arrive 0945am] for company visit (possibly PPG), lunch, possible site seeing in afternoon; closing dinner.

MAR 12 (SAT)
Day trip to Hangzhou – possibly visit tea plantation, West Lake, other sites.  In addition to its economically potent position on the Hangzhou Bay 180 kilometres (112 mi) southwest of Shanghai, Hangzhou also has been one of the most renowned and prosperous cities of China for much of the last 1,000 years, due in part to its beautiful natural scenery, with the West Lake (Xī Hú, 西湖) as the most well-known location.  West Lake is not only famous for its picturesque landscape, it is also associated with many scholars, national heroes and revolutionary martyrs, thus embracing many aspects of Chinese culture. In addition, many ancient buildings, stone caves and engraved tablets in surrounding areas are among the most cherished national treasures of China, with significant artistic value.

Due to its prominent historical and cultural status among Chinese scenic resorts, West Lake was elected as a National Key Scenic Resort in 1982, one of Ten Scenic Resorts in 1985 and national 5A tourist resort in 2006. Moreover, the picture of "Three Ponds Mirroring the Moon" was printed on the backs of both the foreign exchange certificate one yuan bill issued by the government in 1979 and the fifth version of RMB one yuan bill issued in 2004, indicating the status of West Lake in China.

MAR 13 (SUN)
Transfer to PVG/ Shanghai Airport; Return home.
