
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 11/12(三)天下書院讀書會-印度的女性權利Study Group of NTHU Global Program-Women's Rights in India

[公告] 11/12(三)天下書院讀書會-印度的女性權利Study Group of NTHU Global Program-Women's Rights in India


印度為世界人口第二多的國家,然而其性別比卻嚴重失衡 ; 隨著印度經濟高度發展,人民知識水準日漸提高,仍無法有效平衡國內女性地位弱勢的事實 ; 造成印度性別不平等現況的根本原因是什麼?種姓制度又在其中扮演什麼角色?11/12(三) 天下書院讀書會將帶領你對印度女性議題有更深入的了解與探討。

時間:11/12 (Wed.) 19:10-21:10 (18:50入場)
地點:清大 旺宏館3F 紅氣球

India has the world's second largest population with almost the worst human sex ratio. Nowadays in India, the improving pace of women's right is far behind comparing to India's burgeoning economy and people's intelligence. News reveals that women in India are threatened by sexual violences in their daily life. What are the reasons that make gender unequal? Is it mostly affected by Caste System? 
We genuinely invite you to join our discussion about those topics in study group of NTHU global program on 11/12:) 

Topic: Study Group of NTHU Global Program - Women's Rights in India.
Lecturer : Prof. Tien-Sze Fang
Time: 19:10 ~ 21:10, Wednesday, November 11th. (entrance allowed from 18:50)
Location :  Red Balloon, Macronix Building 3F

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NTHU Global Program : https://www.facebook.com/nthuglobalprogram

