
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 2018 澳洲 E-lead - 21st Century Global Leadership Program

[公告] 2018 澳洲 E-lead - 21st Century Global Leadership Program

21st Century Global Leadership Program AUSTRALIA 2018
The 21st Century Global Leadership Program (Globe 21) is a dynamic and contemporary initiative designed to provide Undergraduate and Postgraduate students from leading International Universities with a gateway to the Australian leadership, business and cultural landscape and to develop life-long global networks with Australian and International students. The 2017 program was proven to be highly successful with over 91% of students found the program to be highly beneficial and effective while over 98% of students would highly recommend this program to others.
Program Schedule:
July 15 – July 28, 2018
Program Fee: $2950 AU
- Accommodation in Sydney and Lake KeepItExperiential Leadership Residentia
- Meals (except free activity and travel time)
- Transportation: Shuttle bus for sightseeing tours and company visits during the program
- Certificate of Participation: Official Certificate of Participation
- Program Shirt: A program branded t-shirt for each participant
- Long-term networking, engagement and development: Access to all electronic engagement platforms (Social Media Channels) to facilitate life-long networks and engagement/development
- Visuals and Footage: Exclusive access to visuals/videos and footage of the program to share with friends and family
- Airport Transfers: Transfersbetween Sydney Airport and Hotel (1 transfer/school each
International and Inter-state participants are required to organise their own air tickets, visas and travel insurance.
Shahid Majeed
Executive Director, 21STCentury Global Leadership Program (Globe 21)
E-LEAD Centre of Excellence for Leadership, Engagement and Development
T: 02 8540 6392
E: s.majeed@e-lead.com.au
Joyce Chen
Executive Officer, E-LEAD Centre of Excellence for Leadership, Engagement and Development 
E: info@e-lead.com.au
About Globe21:http://www.e-lead.com.au/programs/university/globe-21/
About E-lead: http://www.e-lead.com.au/
Globe 2017 Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJDDYyFjDyY
Program Schedule (Download)
Program Brochure (Download)
