
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] 2018 7th AEARU Student Physical Competition (Seoul National University)

[公告] 2018 7th AEARU Student Physical Competition (Seoul National University)


The 7th AEARU Student Physical Competition (Seoul National University, SNU)

AEARU 今年的體能競賽在韓國首爾大學舉辦喔! 有興趣前往韓國與東亞地區各大學學生一起登山的同學們快來報名吧! 

South Korea has a blessed topography, 75% of its landscape being mountainous. Our main campus in Gwanak is also surrounded by a mountain scape, the Gwanak Mountain. At 629 meters in height, Gwanak Mountain surrounds along and around our university providing a unique view. With thousands of trees blanketing the mountain, our campus is particularly famous in autumn attracting many locals and visitors to our campus. We would like to invite AEARU students to our Gwanak campus to experience the view of the city of Seoul from atop the campus hill and the Gwanak Mountain.
The main event will be mountain hiking, where students will reach up to the Yeonjuam Temple, a Buddhist temple and an observatory tower. This environment while hiking will expose participants to situations where they will need to overcome obstacles together along the trail and naturally setup opportunities to learn about the importance of teamwork.
Therefore we would like to invite students who hopes to meet and bond with new people while overlooking the wonderful landscape

Seoul NationalUniversity, Gwanak Campus, Seoul, Korea

Tentative Schedule
Day 1, 15 June (Friday), Arrival, Welcome reception, Campus tour
Day 2, 16 June (Saturday), Gwanak Mountain Hiking, Culture Tour
Day 3, 17 June (Sunday), Wrap Up Workshop, Departure

Costs  No registration fee
• Meals, Local transportation fee: Free
• Accommodation (for two nights): Free
• Airfare: Participants are responsible for funding their travel costs to and from Seoul National University

Program period: June 15-17, 2018
NTHU Application deadline: May 16, 2018
*Students must be nominated by NTHU for the further procedure*
Seoul National University deadline: May 20, 2018
- Be between the ages of 18 and 35 (inclusive) and be in good health
- Be currently a full-time registered NTHU undergraduates and graduate students

Application 名額限量 2名
Step 1 - Finish On-line Application Form (Click)
Step 2 - Prepare Documents
(1) NTHU Application Form (Download)
(2) SNU Application Form (Download)
(3) English Proficiency Certificate 
(4) Photocopy of passport
(5) Supporting materials
Step 3 - Email  
- Please email ONE pdf file of all documents to dga@my.nthu.edu.tw 
- Kindly state email subject and name the pdf file " 2018 AEARU PC - XX(department) XX (name) 
Step 4 - Hand In 
- Please bring the hard copy of (1) NTHU Application Form to the DGA office (Room 111, General Building) 
All steps above should been finished by 5pm May 16, 2018 
*Students must be nominated by NTHU for the further procedure**
Internal nomination procedure will be finished by May 19
Contact Information
Division of General Affairs, Office of Global Affairs
Phone:03-5715131 #33428
E-mail: dga@my.nthu.edu.tw
Attention: Tess Wu


