
首頁 > 最新消息 > [公告] International & European Studies–Winter Program 2018-Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen(杜賓根大學)(早鳥方案8月15日截止)

[公告] International & European Studies–Winter Program 2018-Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen(杜賓根大學)(早鳥方案8月15日截止)


International & European Studies –Winter Program 2018
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen(杜賓根大學)

Dates: 2 January - 27 January, 2018
    • Arrival: Tuesday, 2 January
    • Farewell-Evening: Friday, 26 January
    • Departure: Saturday, 27 January

Academic Program
The Winter Program comprises two modules in "International & European Studies" and "Language & Culture". The courses and excursions of both modules are compulsory for all participants within the Winter Program and are covered by the program fee.
    • Download schedule
    Module "International & European Studies" (6 ECTS)
      Study Europe in academic introductory courses
          -- Peace and Power-Sharing in the European Union: Institutions, Politics, and History
          -- European Foundations of the Legal Order
          -- Doing Business in Europe
    Explore European cities and multinational companies
          -- European Parliament in Strasbourg (1 day)
          -- Historic center and government district of Berlin (3 days)
          -- Companies like Mercedes in the economically strong region of Baden-Württemberg
    • Module "Language & Culture" (2 ECTS)
      No German? No problem!
         -- Knowledge of the German language not necessary
         -- All courses taught in English
         -- German language courses on the proficiency levels A1-B2
    Gain intercultural competence
         -- Workshop on intercultural competence

    • Undergraduate and graduate students with any kind of academic background
    • Participants must be at least 18 years old
    • Very good command of English

Program Fee
The program fee is € 2,000 and includes:
    • All courses within the module "International & European Studies"
    • A German language course and an intercultural workshop within the module "Language & Culture"
    • Course materials
    • 3-day stay in a guesthouse (full board)
    • 3-day excursion to Berlin (flight, accommodation, guided tours, entrance fees)
    • 1-day excursion to Strasbourg
    • Accommodation in a single room
    • Cultural and social activities 
    • A public transportion ticket for use within Tübingen
    • Welcome and farewell party
Be an early bird:
If you register by 15 August 2017 the program fee will be € 1,600.

Additional Expenses
The program fee does not include the following expenses:
    • Visa fee
    • Flight & travel to/from Tübingen
    • Health insurance
    • Meals & beverages
    • Some of the optional social activities
    • Leisure activities

Financial Support Application
Download the application form for financial support here.
Please carefully read the application form as well as the cancellation policy and fill in the fields correctly.
Within the program limited partial financial support in the form of a reduction of the program fee is available. The financial support is awarded on the basis of academic achievement and financial need and is granted only for participation in the Winter Program 2018. We will only consider applications including all required supplemental documents that reach the office by 30 September 2017 together with your application for the program. All documents have to be submitted in English.

Complete and sign this application form and send it by email to info@european-studies.uni-tuebingen.de before 30 September 2017 (Early Bird ends on 15 August 2017)
    (1) Application form (Download Here)
    (2) Letter of motivation (600 words)
         • Why would you like to participate in the short-term program "International & European Studies" at the University of Tübingen?
         • What is your special interest in Europe, the European Union and Germany?
         • How do you think you will benefit from the program on an academic, professional and personal level?
         • What are your hobbies and interests?
    (3) Transcript of records
    (4) Proof of your proficiency in English
    (5) Proof of your proficiency in German (except beginners)

-Website: http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/exzellenzinitiative/internationalisierung/international-european-studies/winter-program.html
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/International-European-Studies-701526019920238/
-Blog: https://iestuebingen.wordpress.com/
-Program Flyer
-Program Schedule
-Program Brochure

